Beebe's Fi Observations

I confess I'm always on the lookout for new INFJ observations to fuel my other site:

But I spent last week in Memphis at a John Beebe workshop, and found myself collecting some Fi observations.  I thought it might be helpful to pass them along to my visitors on this site.

Always bear in mind that all of us CAN and DO access all eight of the processes.  So don't imagine you can read a description and if it ever fits you, it must mean it's your preference.  No, it's not that simple.  But these descriptions might help you gain a sense of whether or not it's something you spend a lot of time doing.  Here we go.

Dr. Beebe says that Fi spends a lot of time brooding over incomparable human values for the future.

Fi concerns itself with integrity

It is about "honor" versus "policy." 

Fi is a "worrying" function.

The metaphor he uses for Fi is a variation on the seven blind men and the elephant -- do you know that one? Well, John says that instead of seven blind men, it's more like seven introverted Feeling tentacles feeling the elephant to try to figure out the form of the value.

Introverted Feeling's intention and deepest goal is "understanding." It wants to know where value went wrong and where it might be reinstated.

Fi concerns itself with integrity, and John says symptoms of integrity issues include depression and anxiety. He wonders if "anxiety" altogether might be a form of Fi?

He states that "Honor" is a key term for introverted Feeling. What they want more than anything is a sense of "respect." If introverted Feeling does not feel respected, you will be estranged from them, and no longer occupy a place in their life.


How does this land with you INFPs??