Being and Doing

INFJs are anxious around what they're Doing; INFPs are anxious around who they're Being


I recently took a coaching workshop that told me people often make a distinction between "being" and "doing."  Some people were concerned about what they were *doing* in the world, while other people were concerned with who they were *being*.  And it struck me that this was a wonderful approach to understanding INFJ and INFP.

INFPs are interested in who they are *being* in the world.  They are invested in the process, and want to know how they "show up."

INFJs are interested in what they are *doing* in the world.  They are invested in accomplishment, and want to know how they "make a difference."

It goes without saying that we all have a little bit of both, but one of them tends to show up in coaching as having primacy.

So which are you more concerned with?  Do you care more about who you're being, or what you're doing?

By the way, this line of inquiry is also a powerful coaching question I invite you to reflect on.  It's possible that your environment -- perhaps some people who influence you -- are pressuring you to care about a way you don't care about so much, and it's causing you stress.  Are you pushed toward doing, when you really care about being?  Are you pushed toward being, when you really care about doing?  

Last but not least, if you're clear about which one of these you prefer, how will it enrich your life to pay a little more attention to the other one?  If you're good at doing, how can you celebrate being?  If you're good at being, how can you celebrate doing?  

Don't overlook this opportunity for self-growth and development!