Calling You To Account

Okay, you've now read nearly every page on this website.  My gosh, aren't you a voracious reader!

We're nearly at the end, so now I circle you back around to the very beginning.  We finish in the same place we started from.  

Have you done the following yet?

1. Confirmed your Temperament.
2. Determined whether you prefer Informing or Directing.
3. Chosen which interaction style sounds most like you.
4. Decided whether your F energy first goes inward or outward.
5. Determined which process you use "heroically."

If you did not make these decisions, you wasted your time.  What are you doing here?!  This website is designed to help you decide.

Here's a quote I'll throw at you now:  

Do not learn more than you absolutely need to get through life.
                                                                -Karl Kraus  

If you just like to read, that's fine.  I got nuttin' against learnin'.  But reading more and more and more won't get you to a decision.  Judgment is required to properly balance Perception.  So take a risk; make a decision; seek closure!  Perhaps pick a code and simply try committing to it for a while to see whether the shoe fits over time.  You can always change your mind later.

More than anything, if you write and share your life history with me (including six trillion reasons why you wonder if you're this type or that) -- but do not say whether you prefer Informing or Directing -- I will know you wasted the biggest opportunity available to determine whether your preferences truly are for INFJ or INFP.  

After all is said and done, that's the question that counts most with me.  I'll award you a gold star if you trouble yourself to answer (really answer!) that question.  Capiche?