Please Fill Out my Feedback Form
I welcome your gracious input.  
(If your feedback is extensive, you may wish to compose in a text editor and then paste it into my form.)


Who are you? (okay to skip)
Email address? (okay to skip)

Would you share your age?

Are you an INF_?     yes        no       not sure

If you are INF_, do you know whether your code ends in J or P?
                                J        P       still not sure

If you know, did my site help you decide?
          yes, thanks!   no, I knew already   it sure got me thinking 

Was my site helpful even if it didn't help you find your best-fit type?
              yes, it clarified some things   no, it didn't help   

What section was most helpful?

What section was least helpful?

If you aren't INF_, do you know your type code & will you reveal it?   

How did you discover it?      

Would you rate your knowledge & experience with personality type?
Unknown until now   Beginner   Intermediate  Type practitioner Expert

How did you find out about my site?

What did you come here looking for? (and did you find it)

Did you enjoy my site?  Is it attractive, easy to navigate?
                Yes    No    Could use improvement (explain below?)

Any advice, special requests, or recommendations?

What would be an edgey, provocative conversation about type for you?

Anything else on your mind?  Need to clarify anything?

On a scale of 0-5, how important is it that I reply to you (5 being urgent)?