Feeling Stereotypes

More with the stereotypes!  Here's the latest:  people assume Feeling types are touchy-feely warm and cuddly.


Once you learn about interaction styles, you will discover this image is not necessarily true!

I had an encounter with an INFJ girlfriend recently who insisted that her husband was more "effie" than she is, and ergo must be a feeling type.  My take on the husband was that his preferences were more likely for INTP.  But, ironically, INTPs regularly come across as more "effie" than many Fs do.  Most of the INTPs I know seem like big cuddly bears, despite their Temperament!

I've also met a number of INFPs who believe they are NTs because they don't think they are "effie" enough to be an F.  But doesn't that make sense?!  After all, their Feeling function is introverted, and they don't show it around to everybody.  They prefer to feel harmony in their environment -- but that doesn't mean they're some font of outpouring love with everyone they meet!  Their Feeling function is directed inwards, not outwards.

INFJs aren't very "effie" either, I regret to say.  We can be rather harsh critics at times, thanks to our extraverted Feeling judgments.  Put that in combination with our devotion to Time & Task and our directing style of communication, and it's no wonder so many INFJs believe they're INTJs instead!

For all Feeling types, Dr. Beebe says that people often make the mistake of assuming Feeling = caring, when in truth, it can sometimes be cold, ruthless, and calculating instead.  So some Feeling types can be extremely nasty indeed!

This is one of those times when "trait" descriptions really get in the way of "pattern" descriptions.  People would rather believe all Fs fit some kind of friendly stereotype without taking the time to realize the falsity of this belief.  Don't make that mistake.