
I just got home from a terrific APT meeting that featured Leona Haas presenting the 8-function model of type.  Leona had a few gems I will share with you that may help you sort your own type.  (They're really good.)

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How do you see connections and possibilities?

Will see multiple connections and possibilities everywhere -- it is endless, has an openness and tentativeness to it.
Will have more impatience, wants to stop talking and get on with the process -- it goes more for closure and has a certainty to it.

How much data is too much data?

Will say there's never enough data.
Will say they know when enough is enough.

Describe your brainstorming methodology.

Loves to brainstorm and can go on for hours at a time.
Wants to think about what is being generated and discuss items in detail.

What is important to you in the decision-making process and why?

Needs and wants of others.
Decision has to feel right or wrong/ it is hard to explain.

Think about internal peace and external harmony.  What is more important to you and why?

External harmony, a need to build relationships with others.
Internal harmony, a sense of being at peace with self.

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Here are some additional gems from Leona that I thought were worth sharing here.

Leona says that introverted Feeling tends to go along with things and speaks either when it's safe or when they don't care.  When they do care, it's non-negotiable.  At that point, it becomes "my way or the highway."  People with introverted Feeling actually experience physical sensations of right or wrong.  They may feel it in their stomach (a "gut feeling") when something does not align with their values.

(Please remember that we are all gifted with introverted Feeling, so naturally we all hold non-negotiable values.  The questions above may help you identify whether you give Fi or Fe priority.)

Fi is not "into the group" the way Fe is.  I take this to mean that Fe pays attention to everyone in the class, or at the meeting, or in the work team, and knows exactly where everybody stands on a given topic.  Fi is not attuned to the whole group in this way.  In this same vein, Leona says that Fe tends to remember people's birthdays and special events and makes sure to honor those occasions.  And then, when it's the Fe person's birthday, nobody remembers them back.  (Ouch!)  She identified Hallmark, the company, as an extraverted Feeling company.  (So if you hate Hallmark, there's a clue!  If Hallmark has made a killing off your purchases like they have mine -- there's another clue!)

Leona also said that people who prefer Fe sometimes have a hard time living by themselves because there's nobody to "take care of."