While I develop more of this site, feel free to browse my other free sites found at Vicky Jo Central or

If you're interested in having support for discovering your best-fit pattern, that's my specialty!  I've been at it for 16 years now, and I feature a *surefire* method of identifying type.  Please visit my professional services website to learn about the Type Insights experience -- a structured process that teaches you 21 points of personality type and reveals your pattern in all its glory -- without relying on a test!  Wouldn't it be great to have confidence in your type pattern?  I can get you there.  (As an MBTI Master Practitioner, I can administer a test too, if you think you've got to have that.)

I'm also a professional, certified coactive life coach and would love to help you to design your life to better support who you are.  I offer a few inexpensive career assessments (card sorts) if you are struggling to identify a career path that fits and want to focus on that aspect of your life.  

Please check back with me later!
(I add stuff as the spirit moves me.)

On the very last page, you can sign up to be notified when I make significant changes to this website.