Vote Again

Here's another chance to vote.  This gal is dramatically different from the previous candidate.  She's a lot younger, and she doesn't have as much to say.  And here's another big difference -- I don't evaluate this one.  What would you tell her?

Your_age_is = 17

Are_you_INF_? = yes

Do_you_prefer_J_or_P? = not sure

Did_I_help_you_decide? = got me thinking

Was_my_site_helpful? = no

Most_helpful_was = i like the idea of that time thing.

Least_helpful_was = it was all very helpful. I just can't really decide.

Type_code_is =

How_you_discovered_personality_type_is = personal exploration

Level_of_Psychological_Type_experience_is = type practitioner

Found_out_about_site_from = yahoo search

You_came_looking_for =
I am confused about myself.  I want to know if i'm an INFP or and INFJ.  Both personality seems to be like me but i want to find an identity.  The part about infp being a dreamer and battle between good and bad fits me.  And also the unconditional part cause that is my moral but then with infj, the sorting out people part and the part where i disconnect with people and also can seem like an extrovert fits.  but i dont have any esp powers so thats why i dont think im an infj.

Do_you_have_advice_or_a_special_request_to_make? =
LOL what other things can u tell me to try to figure out if in a infp or infj?  maybe u can be like infp and also infj.  I think i can be all types at different times. i see every one of the types in me. ^_^ is that a possibility?

A_provocative_type_conversation_would_be? =
people saying that if u read into it. u will think u are like it.  lalalalalala..

Is_there_anything_on_your_mind_or_need_to_clarify? =
um.. Can we be friends? you seem to be a very intelligent person i can learn from. ^_^ plus i'm a growing teenager and i need to learn.  yup thats me i love to read and learn. Weird though infp pisses me off boring with nothing to say and weak. la.  they dont study hard enough. U think it could be that i hate them cause i see them in myself? or is it because of just the type differences?