An INFP struggles with "wimpy"

Although right now INFP seems like the best fit for me (based on all I've read and experienced and discussed and learned about myself), I must say that I'm not really at home in the online INFP discussion groups I've seen, or even talking privately with people who claim the INFP preference pattern.

I first noticed that a couple years ago.  I always felt like I was walking on eggshells every time I communicated with an INFP.  They treat each other with kid gloves for the most part; many of the males seem gay; they can't tolerate music any stronger than Enya; and every time they meet up with even the mildest harsh reality of this world, they slink away and hide--preferably together, where they can comfort and console each other.  I feel like saying, "C'mon--what are you people cringing in the corner for?  It's not a wolf on the prowl; it's just the neighbor's dog barking!"

Sure, I've got a sensitive streak; I'm very self-conscious; and I can be wishy-washy.  I went through my phase as a brooding teen, and the world has often seemed too harsh to me.  But I lived through it and grew up--and to some degree I grew tougher and stronger (maybe even a little wiser, but maybe just more fatigued).

When I see people like [So-and-So] perpetuating INFP stereotypes, it makes me want to pick some other type instead.  Maybe I'll go hang out with the ESTJs or something; even that would be more fun than a "pity party."

Anyhow, I just thought I'd ask you for a reality check.  There are some balanced, healthy, mature INFPs around, aren't there?  Some who aren't perpetually troubled, whiny social misfits or self-absorbed escapists?

I hope there are.  Because the INFP preference pattern seems to fit me, but I can't quite relate to most of the limp-wristed, lily-livered INFPs I meet online. Either they're just young, troubled examples of the type or they're not the same type as me.


What fascinates me (Vicky Jo), is that the worst indictments of INFPs I've ever heard are made by INFPs, such as those made above.  Why is that?  What's going on there?  And, perhaps most importantly, it doesn't match my experience at all.

Click here to read another INFP embracing "wimpy."