I've never met an INFJ who claimed to suffer from ADD, or had people in their inner circle suggesting they suffer from it.

I rarely meet an INFP who does not claim to suffer from ADD, or had people in their inner circle suggesting they suffer from it.

It's not a rule by any means, but when someone tells me they have INFJ preferences and also suffer from ADD, it throws up a red flag for me.

I am also of the opinion that INFPs who are really on their soapbox about ADD and its accompanying medical diagnoses and perspectives and medications (in other words, they really display a "complex" about ADD) may actually have preferences for ENFP.  (I say more about that here.)

Now may I get on my own soapbox about how I think ADD is inappropriately used to "diagnose" what is a perfectly healthy and natural way of being in the world?  Probably not.  Some people have very active ADD complexes, especially some NFPs I know.  Even though "ADD" could be a euphemism for "preferring to use a perceiving process in the external world."  Doncha think?

Dr. Keirsey shares some salient thoughts on ADD here.