More Comparisons Between INFJ and INFP

Here are some more comparisons between INFJ and INFP.  Perhaps you can find yourself in one of these descriptions:

Values Crusader

Motivation: Adding to human understanding, sharing knowledge and enthusiasm for deep passions, upholding meaning and mystery.

     General Strengths

  • Galvanize people and organizations to action
  • Stand firmly on their values against formidable opposition
  • Remind others in creative ways about human aspirations and goals
  • Focus on compassion, caring, and harmony

     Contributions to the Organization

  • Lead by promoting harmonious teams in which each person is valued
  • Influence by highlighting common ideas and new possibilities
  • Focus on group consensus and shared values

     Productive Places and Pursuits

  • Where creative ideas are encouraged
  • Environments that include artistic space for quiet and reflection
  • With friendly, committed coworkers who are mindful of values
  • Situations that emphasize flexibility, minimal routine, and procedural structure
  • Cooperative and collegial places that allow for privacy

     Common Sources of Stress

  • Encountering backbiting, hypocrisy, personal attacks
  • Compromising values to keep harmony
  • Sensing indifference of others to people's needs
  • Taking a stand to no avail or to a barrage of criticism
  • Being isolated from the views of others

     INFPs solve a problem by...

  • Considering people (F)
  • Looking at the larger picture (N)
  • Looking at facts (S)
  • Applying logic (T)
Oracle for People

Motivation: Achieving integrity, reaching wholeness, contributing values-centered strategies to humanity.

     General Strengths

  • Provide insight, sometimes reaching clairvoyance, especially about what matters to people
  • Understand how individuals and systems interrelate
  • Storehouse of integrity; uplift those with whom they live and work
  • Contribute future-oriented ideas to planning and development

     Contributions to the Organization

  • Lead by encouraging others to cooperate in working toward a vision
  • Influence by being creative and dedicated
  • Focus on creative insight and strong values

     Productive Places and Pursuits

  • Where there is an emphasis on helping others grow and develop, making a difference
  • Where creativity is appreciated and new ideas are accepted
  • With harmonious, considerate coworkers
  • Where personal insights are rewarded
  • Where there is private space for quiet and reflection

     Common Sources of Stress

  • When perfection overrules common sense
  • Having to monitor too many details
  • Hearing too much cynicism from others
  • Being forced to extravert too much
  • Neglecting to ask for help, trying to solve everything alone

     INFJs solve a problem by...

  • Looking at the larger picture (N)
  • Considering people (F)
  • Applying logic (T)
  • Looking at facts (S)