
Sometimes people say things to me like, "He's very J," or "She's very F," or "I'm very N," as if that makes sense.  And frankly, I don't know what they're talking about.  Because it does NOT make sense -- there's no direct correlation to MBTI type code.  

"Very J" -- what is that?  Very judgmental?  Very opinionated?  Or does it describe the directing style?  Does it mean someone is never late or tends to be tidy?  Invariably it means something unique to the person saying it, but it doesn't translate to anything practical in the MBTI world. 

Then there's "very F."  It seems to me that every person with the Behind-the-Scenes interaction style is considered "very F" -- even when we're talking about an INTP!  In truth, many INTPs constantly battle with being mistaken for INFPs -- which proves my point!  Ironically, many INFJs do NOT seem "very F."  So that yardstick is useless, huh?

That last one annoys me the most -- "I'm very N."  What on earth is that?  Does it mean, "I'm so flaky call me Pillsbury"?  Does it mean, "I'm so out of touch with reality they should lock me in a mental institution"?   Does it mean, "I'm a space alien who doesn't belong here"?  After all, "N" is a perceiving process, so anybody that's TOO "N" has poor judgment.  That's the only correlation that can be made to the MBTI type code.  Is that something people want to brag about?

I wish people who talk this way would distribute a secret decoder ring to those of us who are mystified, so we can figure out what they mean.  Better yet, I'd rather people just quit saying this kind of nonsense.  It's really ignorant.