Conflict Differences

Having just gotten bloodied in a fight with an INFP, it seemed high time to include something on the topic of conflict. 

INFJs Need

  • A degree of independence

  • Respect for their dislike for conflict and for their efforts to restore harmony quickly

  • An overview of what and who is involved

  • No baggage for anyone when it is over

INFPs Need

  • Respect for their values and ideals

  • Flexibility to explore each opportunity

  • To be listened to by someone who cares about them as an individual and treats them as unique

  • A harmonious environment within which they can express their observations

INFJ Conflict Generators

  • Too much contact with people -- particularly people they perceive as lacking in depth

  • Being asked to assimilate vast amounts of detailed information

  • Oversensitivity to others' "critical vibes"

  • When others seek to exclude the emotional content of any disagreement or fail to appreciate each person

INFP Conflict Generators

  • Feeling they have to compromise their values to keep the peace

  • An overreaction from another sparking an emotional response

  • Believing they are being "walked over" and deciding they have had enough

  • Believing someone they care about has been victimized or a cause they are committed to has been slighted

INFJ Conflict Blind Spots

  • May be overly influenced by what others want and how they are

  • May try and fit the data into their own system of meaning -- at times appearing to have a theory to explain everything

  • May not be sufficiently open to the current reality

INFP Conflict Blind Spots

  • May not be able to distance themselves from their convictions to be objective

  • May be satisfied with partial resolution of the conflict

  • May not accept that everyone wants to improve difficult situations

INFJ Areas of Development

  • Learn to apply a critical understanding to difficult situations

  • Accept that all conflict may not be resolved harmoniously

  • Take time to explore logical alternatives

INFP Areas of Development

  • Verbalize concerns before people become entrenched in their viewpoints

  • Don't take everything in life too seriously

  • Remember, when all is not going well, to accentuate the positive rather than be drawn to the negative

Adapted from Damian Killen and Danica Murphy, Introduction to Type and Conflict.