Process, Results, & E-mail Lists

Something I've noticed about e-mail lists is that INFJs seem to get frustrated with them quickly and tend to move on to things that are more "real" -- where they can "get things done."  Some INFPs seem to move from one list to the next, endlessly seeking the one that best matches their values.  They appear to thrive on the interactions, and love integrating all the viewpoints, but forever seeking after something "new."  I know some INFPs who have spent years hanging out on lists --  one INFP seems to have his Yahoo groups connected to him like an IV drip, living for the contact and connection.  He loves the whole process.  In contrast, I often feel an urge to get away, to simplify, and stop the endless list chattering so I can make measurable progress in the "real world."  It's important for me to feel a sense of "movement," of getting somewhere, achieving concrete goals.

I notice that INFPs have a greater need and tolerance for intimate connection than INFJs seem to have.  INFJs need to disconnect frequently in order to rejuvenate.

How about you?  Are you an e-mail list junkie?  Could you spend your life online? -- or have you unsubscribed to most of it so it doesn't interfere with your "real life" so much?  Hmmmm.....?