Truth in Humor

Sometimes there is great truth in humor.  I'm sharing this entire piece because I hope you'll enjoy it, but I thought the INFJ and INFP phrases were particularly incisive.  Enjoy!

Illusions of the Unhealthy XXXX by Doug Bates - Source

ESTP - "I'm a stud and the world revolves around me"

ISTP - "I can make anything work"

ENTP - "I can come up with a solution for anything"

INTP - "I'm brilliant and you'd better bow to my genius"

ESTJ - "I am in control"

ISTJ - "I do everything right"

ENTJ - "I am all-powerful"

INTJ - "I am all-knowing"

ESFP - "I am the most glamorous"

ISFP - "Nobody has better taste than I do"

ENFP - "I have the most enthusiasm"

INFP - "I have the most sensitive conscience"

ESFJ - "Everyone likes me and wants to be like me"

ISFJ - "Nobody can get along without me"

ENFJ - "I can teach anyone anything"

INFJ - "I have the best intentions"
