Psychic Threedux

Oh that again.

What can I say?  It comes up over and over again.

So here's a piece from Dr. Beebe:

He says of himself, "I learned very early on that I was good at reading people's minds.  Around 3-4 years of age, I would astound my mother because I would know things I couldn't possibly know."

 He tells of sitting underneath the window playing with toys once while his mother gazed out through the glass.  And she saw a neighbor child (Sally) squatting in the street to go to the bathroom.  And of course, with her INFJ preferences, John's mother thought this was inappropriate behavior.  She didn't speak a word, but the child John Beebe looked up at her and said, "Bad Sally."  Mind you, it wasn't possible for him to see out the window!

He also says of himself that others "experienced me merging with their experience in an almost uncanny way."  So yet again, here is a description of extraverted iNtuition showing up as possibly "psychic."  And notice once again how it is emergent -- happening in the external world as a consequence of interacting with the object.

It's very different from what I think of as a "shower moment" -- that "aha" you get in the shower, that little waft of insight that somehow slips inside our consciousness, surprising us with its magical synergy.  That sort of detached perception better characterizes introverted iNtuition.

So if you boast psychic ability, is yours an "innie" or an "outie"?  Does it result from merging with others, or from detaching and withdrawing?  Hmmmm....?