Similarities and Differences

I suspect these are two different areas of focus for INFJs and INFPs.

I have a hunch that INFJs focus on differences, while INFPs focus on similarities.

Granted, both types utilize diplomatic intelligence, which is all about finding common ground.  So naturally similarities are going to be played up more often than not.

But I know I've had to "fight" with INFPs from time to time in an effort to get them to accept and appreciate our differences, rather than negating them as if they don't exist or aren't important.

I don't know where this emanates from -- if it's an interaction style difference, or a cognitive process difference, or a philosophical difference.  I'm not certain!  I could make up stuff about any of those areas.

I just know that when someone who prefers Fi likes me, they want us to be as similar as possible.  And when someone who prefers Ti likes me, they want me to respect our differences.

Isn't that curious?

It starts with them liking me, of course.  If they don't like me, the whole story is different.