Wish I Had a Nickel

I wish I had a nickel for every INFP who told me that "INFPs are wimpy."

When I think of INFPs, I think of Gandhi or perhaps John Lennon.  INFPs seem deeply sensitive, but I do not think of INFPs as "wimpy."  

I don't know where that notion comes from.  I've been told it comes from type or type experts, but since Isabel Briggs-Myers' preferences were for INFP, I have a hard time reconciling that.

Please send me examples of any expert claiming INFPs are "wimpy"....?

My hunch is that it's not coming from the type community -- it's coming from our cultural shadow.  INFPs may experience themselves as "wimpy" in a culture that demands we conform to an ESTJ standard of being.  An inferiority complex around Te would surely be exacerbated in such a cultural atmosphere, would it not?  Particularly for males.

(Does it go without saying that not wanting to have preferences for INFP because that type is "wimpy" is a false reason...?)

If you can't release that idea, will you please mail me a nickel?